Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Jade and Sidney's Engagement Session

As a photographer it's easy to get caught up in the day to day activities of running a business. In fact any good photographer worth his (Or her) weight will tell you that we honestly don't spend all that much time behind a camera. I would say honestly only about 10% of my time is spent actually holding a camera in my hand. The other 90% of my time is spent editing, marketing, accounting , budgeting, meeting with clients, booking jobs, dealing with art directors, and just generally anything non-photography related.

By now you're probably saying "John, how does this have ANYTHING to do with Sidney and Jade's Engagement Session?!"

I hear you, just hold on. I'm getting there...

I give you this time break down because I want you to understand that I do all of those things in the 90% just so I can have that 10%. It's that 10% that inspires me to push through the other 90%.

I love shooting. LOVE. IT. Even if you are the most horrid client, guess what. I'm still going to have fun, because I get to play with awesome toys and take awesome photos, and who doesn't love that?! I've been fortunate to not have any myself. In fact all of my clients have been pretty awesome! (Love you guys! I wouldn't be here without you!)

But every once in a blue moon, when the weather is right and the planets align, I get a couple that completely redefines my definition of "Happiness"...

...Enter Sidney Steen and Jade Songne

These two have completely reinvented the paradigm for me.

As a people we have a tendency to attach very impactful words and phrases to very mundane things. (EXAMPLE: "This cake is to DIE for!", would you really give you life for that cake? Even if you said yes, you'd be dead and unable to enjoy said cake.) As such, when people are talking about other couples it's only a matter of time before the phrase "Oh they're perfect for each other" surfaces.

I typically don't give this phrase much afterthought, as I'm sure most of you don't, until it was spoken by my girlfriend the night before Jade and Sidney's shoot. Sitting on the balcony of Jade's apartment in Destin, warm ocean breeze hitting me, the smell of the beach in the air, that phrase rocked my world.

She was right!

I instantly thought back on all of the years I've known them both. Jade since 7th grade and Sidney since high school. Thinking about all we had gone through together as friends. They are the least likely couple I would have every imagined, but I also can't imagine them with anyone else. They are in a word...perfect.

Anyone who has spent more than 5 minutes with them will tell you, they are a walking/talking disney movie. I've never been with a couple that have...

...worked as hard...

...laughed as hard...

...and LOVED as well as these two have.

Jade...Sidney...I've known you both for a very long time. You are both amazing friend and I love you both with all of my heart. You have raised the bar for me on what it means to love another more than yourself. You are both honest, humble and inspiring. Thank you for taking me into your lives and for being a part of mine. Thank you for making that 10% worth it, and thank you for being you.

Much Love,